
Upcoming Events 2024

Sept 14-15 – Offene Ateliers Köln – Cöln Comic Haus
Event Homepage

Sep 21-22 – SchwefeldrAachen Con
Event Information

Oct 03-06 – Spiel Essen
Event Information

Nov 16 – KlimaFiktionen 2024 Tagung

Nov 30-Dec 01 – Comic Con Stuttgart
Convention homepage

Drawing Lessons every two weeks, starting Sept 16 in Aachen,
More information HERE
lessons will happen at meffi.s

My social Media: InstagramTwitterTumblr

Don Kringel

Artist, night owl, nerd. Lives in a natural habitat close to computers and feeds off comics, watercolour and ink. Can be lured into the open by mentioning Marvel, dinosaurs, orcs, art nouveau, or chocolate.

